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Tiny Bunch and Dorothy “Dot” Johnson

The Lindy Hopper known as Tiny Bunch was a huge King Kong of a man, over 300 pounds, but he was a graceful and agile dancer. His partner, Dot Johnson, was quite petite like King Kong movie co-star Fay Wray. This humorous couple was immortalized by the photographer Aaron Siskind in his photo, At the Savoy (1936) part of the award-winning collection Harlem Document. Collection of the Museum of Modern Art, New York.

Like first generation Lindy Hoppers Shorty George Snowden and Big Bea, Tiny and Dot did not try to downplay their non-typical sizes, but instead played them up in exaggerated fashion through contrast.



Radio City Revels (1938)
Manhattan Merry-Go-Round (1937)

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